
Pastors & Staff

Tim Carlson


Tim was born March 28, 1986 in Decatur ILL, but was raised in the little town of Keystone Heights, FL. It was there where he married his high school sweetheart on December 26, 2006. They have been blessed with two boys, Colton and Tyler.
Tim loves spending time with family and friends, hunting, fishing and anything that involves getting into the great outdoors.
His biggest passion is getting outside of the walls of the church to reach the lost for Christ. He has a heart for meeting the existential as well as spiritual needs of people. He believes he has a spiritual calling in his life to minister to the lost and help them to accomplish Gods plan for their lives.

Lance Griffin

Youth Pastor

Lance Griffin joined our Team as Youth Pastor in 2023. His love for God and the students
have made an everlasting impact on this Youth group.
He enjoys creating activities that get the students involved and excited about God.
His plans are to "Help the Youth become disciples of Christ"

karen davis

Worship leader

Karen Davis was born in Baxley, Ga and graduated from Appling County High School.  She attended Auburn University where she received a Bachelor's of Music Education.  Following college, Karen taught choral music at Appling County Middle and HIgh School.  During that time, she felt the call to ministry and she became the part time music director at Baxley First United Methodist Church.  In 2008, Karen became one of the founding members of Christ Community Church and has led the music ministry since the beginning of the church.  Currently, Karen is also the Director of Choral Activities at Appling County High School where she teaches chorus, show choir and music technology.
Karen enjoys singing, dancing, reading and pouring into the youth in her programs.  She has a passion to see the people of God to become passionate worshipers of God.  Karen and her husband, Jimmy have two daughters, one son and two sons in law: Caitlin Davis Brock (Evan Brock), Ashton Davis O'Hara (Christian O'Hara) and Michael Davis.

Kelly Shipes

children's director/promiseland preschool 

Kelly was born in Christiansburg, Virginia and moved to Baxley in 1993. She married her husband, Shawn, in 2002 and they have 2 daughters, Brigdon and Brenley. Together they own and operate KBBS Septic Service.
Along with being the Children's Director at CCC, she is also the Director of PromiseLand Preschool. When Kelly is not at church or school, she can be found chauffeuring her daughters to and from school, the dance studio, or the ballfields. In her down time, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, singing and listening to music, or listening to a thrilling mystery book.
Her passion for children started at a young age but it wasn't until years later that she realized working with children was God's calling on her life. (You can try to run from God's plan for your life but eventually you will fall into the steps he has aligned for you.)